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Ways for you to Donate to
Chudleigh Community Project

Cash Donation


Although the income from the hirers of the Community (School) Hall generally covers hall operating costs, the same cannot be said for the Community Swimming Pool. This isn't unique to Chudleigh and most community swimming pools run at an operating loss.


We particularly appreciate the financial support that we receive from Chudleigh Town Council and Teignbridge District Council towards our running costs as we find that most grant giving bodies are only prepared to give for capital items and not for operating costs. For our part, we have strived to reduce costs where possible, for example,  installing solar panels to reduce our heating costs. But even though the only paid staff at the pool are the lifeguards, with maintenance, management, manning of the pool kiosk and preparation of essential paperwork undertaken by volunteers, we still have to rely on fundraising and other sources of funds to cover the pool losses, in addition to the CTC and TDC grants.


In addition to the normal pool operating costs, we are also raising funds for an Air Source Heat Pump System to replace the gas boiler and for photo-voltaic solar panels to provide year round electricity for the pool plant.


Any donation that you feel able to make would be much appreciated and will help protect the ongoing availability of the pool. 

Pool photo 2020.jpg

50% of ticket money for tickets purchased via our lottery web page will come back to us. Help us improve our facilities and cover our increasing running costs. Buy your tickets here!

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